oh my, stars in the sky

we're fashion, we're music, we're entertainment, we're life, we're adventure, we're love, we're stars in the sky.

14 September 2008

Michael Phelps... A budding thespian?

I am pretty sure I am the only one who watched Phelps make his acting debut on Saturday Night Live. I have to admit, I sort of thought he would fall on his face, but that didn't happen. He completely surprised when most of the skits were actually kind of funny. I liked the Michael Phelps diest one the best. He poked fun at himself and you've to got love a guy who does that. Though he wasn't in the opening skit that was pretty hilarious too. It was nice to hear Phelps is actually a big fan of the show and that growing up his favorite was Chris Farley.

Phelps on SNL: "This is actually the ninth most important part of my life." If have no idea what he's referring to, I can't help you.

Love and peace



Sydneydoll said...

he is incredible.

he will be around for a long time.

nv said...

HAHA I thought that skit was so funny

Anonymous said...

your blog is hilarious

Kay said...

Cannot imagine him acting! I love it when people have such different interests and talents

Doshii said...

haha i watched it too!

surprising huh

Anonymous said...

lol...love it x

The Fashion Bloggess said...

haha.. your blog is soos impressive
hope you can stop by mine sometime

Anonymous said...

cool...i wanna see it...where can i watch it pls :)